What is zumba fitness?
Zumba Fitness® is the only Latin-inspired dance-fitness program that blends red-hot international music, created by Grammy Award-winning producers, and contagious steps to form a "fitness-party" that is downright addictive.
Since its inception in 2001, the Zumba program has grown to become the world's largest – and most successful – dance-fitness program with more than 12 million people of all shapes, sizes and ages taking weekly Zumba classes in over 110,000 locations across more than 125 countries.
This is what my diet will now consist of for the next 90 days.
1. Portion Control. The best way to make sure you have the correct portion is by measuring but sometimes that is not possible so here is some other ways
Use your hand to Estimate
Fist = 1 cup or 1 medium whole fruit
Thumb(tip to base) = 1 ounce of meat or cheese
Thumb tip(tip to 1st joint) = 1 tablespoon
Fingertip(tip to 1st joint) = 1 teaspoon
Index finger(1st to 2nd joint) = 1 inch
Cupped hand = 1-2 ounces of nuts or pretzels
Palm(minus fingers)= 3 ounces of cooked meat, fish, or poultry
Use the Plate method
Divide your plate into quarters. Fill 1/4 with a grain based side dish, 1/4 with a protein source and the remaining 1/2 with 0-1 Point vegetables and/or fruit
2. 5 servings of Fruits and Vegetables: For leafy vegetables like lettuce and spinach one serving is 1 cup; for all other fruits and vegetables 1/2 cup is a serving.
3. 2 or 3 servings of Milk and or Milk products.
4.Make sure you get enough protein. Have one to two servings of protein besides your milk servings
I believe that the way you eat truly determines the outcome of your weight loss so I want to modify my eating habits to make sure I am doing this diet thing correct.
I am also going to pray and meditate more in order to clear my mind of all negativity. I know that when I am stressed out or hurt I usually want to eat. Before I go to the kitchen and fill my stomach of food when I am not hungry I will began to pray and meditate.
Here is a poem that I found online and It has really helped me put this weight loss thing into some type of perspective.
Only One Pound
Hello, do you know me? If you don't, you should. I'm a pound of fat,
And I'm the HAPPIEST pound of fat that you would ever want to meet.
Want to know why?
It's because no one ever wants to lose me;
I'm ONLY ONE POUND, just a pound!
Everyone wants to lose three pounds, five pounds, or fifteen pounds, but never only one.
So I just stick around and happily keep you fat.
Then I add to myself, ever so slyly, so that you never seem to notice it.
That is, until I've grown to ten, twenty, thirty or even more pounds in weight.
Yes, it's fun being ONLY ONE POUND OF FAT, left to do as I please.
So, when you weigh in, keep right on saying, "Oh, I only lost one pound."
For you see, if you do this, you'll encourage others to keep me around because they'll think I'm not worth losing.
And, I love being around you - your arms, your legs, your chin, your hips and every part of you.
Happy Days!!!
After all, I'm ONLY ONE POUND OF FAT!!!
- Author Unknown