Slow & Steady
I started my first weight loss journey at the age of 9. That is very early in life. I don't understand how I am still at it at 32. I started playing my first sport at 5 years old. I started playing basketball. So fitness became a concern very early in my life. So when I really think about it I can see that I created habits at a very young age of weight loss. The one thing I have learned is slow and steady is the key. Fast weight loss results in fast weight gain.
I have maintained my weight loss a long time with out making it a priority. So I have began to make it a priority again. I started off just getting back to working out without changing my diet at first. Im am the type of person that is all or nothing. I don't do anything half way. There was a time where I would restrict myself so much that I was only getting the smallest amount of calories possible and would wonder why I crashed and burned so fast. I learned through much prayer and spiritual work that my behaviors showed that I did not love myself at all. My strategy was to make myself suffer for all of the weight I gained. In my mind I was such a glutton and didn't deserve to be treated nicely. I remember one time that I ate half a pack a noodles a day and water to lose weight. Yes you did read that right. So many extremes. Could you imagine how unhappy I was on the inside? After years of being on this journey o have learned that being easy and loving to yourself is the key to success.
Through all of my experiences of getting it wrong I learned what not to do. I look at myself in the mirror today to appreciate myself on a whole other level. Today I know that loving yourself through every journey is the key for success. You can't believe that you are a horrible person for your weight and then expect your body to perform magic. Believing that you are amazingly awesome makes you feel amazingly awesome and I believe you will attract amazing result. Slow and steady is the key. Being extreme causes psychological problems. Love yourself for not giving up no matter how many times you have to start over. I claim that I am the master of weight loss because through all of my times on this journey I understand what it truly takes to make this work. I love me for never giving up on me.
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