DAY 24: Having a good day....I'm thinking about finding a zumba class today just to get in some good ole cardio. I'm staying true to my diet and I truly can't believe it. For some reason It's always been hard trying to have a good diet+ exercise at the same time. Its always been one or the other and u truly need both to be successful. There are no short cuts. I'm thankful for all of the times I failed at eating right and working out because being able to do it today Is a result of all of the times I've tried in the past. Everything in life is a process, and we don't always get it the first time around. Sometimes failure produces endurance and can be a great teacher on how to get it right the next time. "The race isn't given the the swift but to he that endures to the end". I'm not saying that I won't fall short and that I have the answer to weight loss but I will say is that whether I stay focused or fail I truly see the progress in me. God is good.
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