Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 45

Today is an awesome day. During this weightloss process I am learning so much about myself. When ppl have issues with food or use food for comfort such as I do the issue is never really the food. I am realizing that i have a binge eating disorder. The issue is emotional, so losing weight is only half of the battle. Exercising and finding a diet is the easy part. The reason why it's so hard to stay motivated is because the issue is mental. If I use food as my drug to comfort me in times of distress and discomfort and  If I have cut back and changed all of the foods that use to bring me joy then what am I supposed to do now? Emotional eaters such as myself go back and forth with yo yo dieting because it's not the food but how I feel deep within.
   There was a time in my life when I lost 50 pounds, this was after I graduated from high school. I was having problems in my relationship with my boyfriend, and was afraid to leave for college. At that time I jogged, ate right and lost lots of weight. I looked good and everybody was so happy and proud of me. The problem was that I wasn't happy. I thought that weightloss would make me happy and it didn't. I thought that the weightloss would make my relationship better and it didn't. I felt very depressed and needed to feel good so I went back to my chips, regular soda, candy and all of the foods that filled my voids. I then gained all of my weight back. I've learned from experience that If I really wanna use this weight I'm gonna have to change my.behavior and attitude towards food. I can no longer use food as a void filling but to find an healthy alternative. It's been hard not to pick up comfort food to solve my problems. Each day is a blessing. I just have to use God as my strength and find healthy sources of comfort and entertainment.
                                                    What is Binge eating disorder?
   Binge eating disorder is characterized by compulsive overeating in which people consume huge amounts of food while feeling out of control and powerless to stop. The symptoms of binge eating disorder usually begin in late adolescence or early adulthood, often after a major diet. A binge eating episode typically lasts around two hours, but some people binge on and off all day long. Binge eaters often eat even when they’re not hungry and continue eating long after they’re full. They may also gorge themselves as fast as they can while barely registering what they’re eating or tasting.
The key features of binge eating disorder are:
  • Frequent episodes of uncontrollable binge eating.
  • Feeling extremely distressed or upset during or after bingeing.
  • Unlike bulimia, there are no regular attempts to “make up” for the binges through vomiting, fasting, or over-exercising.

Signs and symptoms of binge eating disorder

People with binge eating disorder are embarrassed and ashamed of their eating habits, so they often try to hide their symptoms and eat in secret. Many binge eaters are overweight or obese, but some are of normal weight.

Behavioral symptoms of binge eating and compulsive overeating

  • Inability to stop eating or control what you’re eating
  • Rapidly eating large amounts of food
  • Eating even when you’re full
  • Hiding or stockpiling food to eat later in secret
  • Eating normally around others, but gorging when you’re alone
  • Eating continuously throughout the day, with no planned mealtimes

Emotional symptoms of binge eating and compulsive overeating

  • Feeling stress or tension that is only relieved by eating
  • Embarrassment over how much you’re eating
  • Feeling numb while bingeing—like you’re not really there or you’re on auto-pilot.
  • Never feeling satisfied, no matter how much you eat
  • Feeling guilty, disgusted, or depressed after overeating
  • Desperation to control weight and eating habits

Day 37

Day 37: Mood-(Thankful) This journey hasn't been all smiles but Im very much so pushing through. In life we have no choice but to keep smiling, and keep moving. The term "Life on Life's terms" says it all. In my life I'm in a transitional period where I am not settled or stable because so many things in my life are evolving and changing which is a wonderful thing but can be quite uncomfo...rtable temporarily. When u add a diet lifestyle change to this dynamic it can be very emotional. I'm use to relying on comfort foods during times like this. There's nothing like having a horrible day and coming home, having my favorite foods snuggled up on the couch. I now have to find other outlets, which has been hard because the unhealthy way has been a habit for so long. I'm still fighting this battle even though Saturday night I needed the support of my best friends to talk me out of ordering papa John's because I had got on a scale that I learned later was broke but I got on it and it said I was 5 pounds more than I was. I went innnn and told my friends "F this...I'm done, I'm ordering papa John's" lol. They calmed me down and allowed me to have my moment. I didn't call and was so grateful lol. I can't allow nothing to stop me and my journey. In the past I have always allowed the stresses of life to stop my weight loss journeys. Allowing a hard day to be my reason to eat poorly... I can't let it happened this time.

Day 32

Day 32: I was really craving a chocolate Brownie with vanilla ice cream Ala mode today...I know my emotions have been crazy lately because I've had a lot on my mind concerning matters of the heart. I realized I was seeking comfort food to make me feel better. Chocolate produces serotonin (a feel good chemical) in the brain, and I realized I wasn't having a sweet tooth attack, I was seeking to feel better. That's old behavior and I can't go back soooo I just took a nap instead. I woke up so happy that I didn't eat that brownie lol. Thank you God for the wisdom to now know the difference. I can't wait until ZUMBA FITNESS!

Day 24

DAY 24: Having a good day....I'm thinking about finding a zumba class today just to get in some good ole cardio. I'm staying true to my diet and I truly can't believe it. For some reason It's always been hard trying to have a good diet+ exercise at the same time. Its always been one or the other and u truly need both to be successful. There are no short cuts. I'm thankful for all of the times I failed at eating right and working out because being able to do it today Is a result of all of the times I've tried in the past. Everything in life is a process, and we don't always get it the first time around. Sometimes failure produces endurance and can be a great teacher on how to get it right the next time. "The race isn't given the the swift but to he that endures to the end". I'm not saying that I won't fall short and that I have the answer to weight loss but I will say is that whether I stay focused or fail I truly see the progress in me. God is good.

Day 23

Day 23: Is very excited about Zumba!!! It's like I can't wait to burn some calories or something lol. I feel good diet wise because I haven't had many cravings today. I don't feel tired or sluggish so that's a plus. Emotionally I feel good, no upsets today which is awesome, so my desire to want comfort foods is very slim.

Day 22

Day 22: Getting ready for zumba fitness...I'm still eating healthy and staying on track Thanks to God...It took some serious will power not to eat white castle yesterday lol. My mind has been a lil stressed but nothing that will stop my journey...

Day 21

Day 21: Just waking up...I think I'm about to get a workout in. I feel great and am very excited at what the scale says. I have no time to celebrate cuz I gotta stay focused. I know my creator is truly in the midst of this journey becuz the unbelievable strength I feel. Temptations: "White Castle" burgers wit a lil mustard lol. I've been craving them bad lol. I HAD TO TELL ON MY CRAVINGS... LOL


Day 20

Day 20: Just waking up with a lot on my mind...Nothing stressful at all but I'm seriously ready to make moves. My healthy lifestyle is still in effect. I'm very thankful to God for the strength to keep going.

We got this ladies

ATTENTION LADIES ON YOUR WEIGHTLOSS JOURNEY: Hello my beautiful sisters!!! I just want to encourage u today to continue on fighting this good fight of health and wellness. U are strong, determined, able to withstand temptation, and courageous enough to not give up during times of emotional distress. U are U are on the way to being the best u that u can be, not because u will be thin b...ut because u are overcoming obstacles that only u can tackle. U are beautiful right now!!! Weightloss will only add to ur sexy. I am on this journey with u daily. I understand totally and want u to know that even if no one can see that 1 or 2 pounds lost, just know that It is important and that I am proud of you. No matter how hard our day gets you and I will dare to be strong. Love you sisters in the struggle. We can do it. Even if u eat something bad just dust urself and continue moving. WE GOT THIS!!!

Day 17

Day 17: I had an healthy hearty Breakfast and I'm ready for a mid-day snack...I'm a lil behind schedule cuz I had to get my pamper session on and popping lol... I totally thankful to God for giving me the strength to continue. It's definitely not my power but God's that has got me this far. MY PRAYER FOR TODAY: I thank u almighty Creator for the gift of life today and for the incentive to get heal...thy. I know I have a purpose in this lifetime and I want to complete ur will. I can't complete it if I'm unhealthy from lack of exercise or eating right, and stricken with disease. So almighty Creator please keep me from temptation, but help me stand firm in my process of healthiness. Allow me to see that this process is bigger than me. Cleanse me from any disease in my body that has already started to form but energize me with ur energy that will create longevity in the long run to complete this journey. Allow me to stay Sensable about my goals and allow ur angels to keep me steadfast. Allow me to make wise decisions concerning my health. If I may fall short please allow me not to completely give up but to keep up the good fight of faith until victory is won.Thank u Amighty Creator...Amen

Day 16


Im enjoying my day off work... I'm excited too becuz I'm gonna get my zumba fitness on. I'm thankful for being on day 16 of my eating right lifestyle change & thankful that i haven't given up. My prayer for myself is that I can stay consistent with eating right and I will continue both working out and eating right at the same time. I'm thankful that I'm learning what I want and what I don't want in my life and I heard ur 20's are the best time to figure that out so I am thankful for being 27 and learning...